Labor Day is upon us and we are headed to Flamingo at Everglades for one night. Maybe more, but mosquitoes here in SoFlo in September is brutal.
We are prepared. Mosquitoes nets, fans, coils and making sure to have the long pants and long sleeve shirts to protect us from the bugs.
I did not grow up camping. And really weird, I really love my heels and dressing up. Camping helps me to keep myself balanced in life.
In today’s fast moving world, it can be difficult to pull away and find time for ourselves. Holiday weekends like this weekend gives us the extra purpose to keep doing what we do day in day out.
I’m grateful for these long weekends, however we shouldn’t have to wait for a Holiday weekends to give us our me time.
How do you find your “me” time? My getaway is my boarding time. SUP, stand up paddle boarding offers me many different adventures and me time within just few hours.
My SUP is light weight and easy for me, myself and I to get my “me” time in. This is my escape from the day to day responsibilities.

I not only get to escape, I also get an incredible workout and gain balance every time I step on that board.
There are so many sizes and styles of paddle boards these days, that pretty much everyone can do it.
Stand up paddle boarding goes beyond just the physical, it also puts our mindset to the now, in the present moment.
Being in the present moment helps us to realize all that we have to be grateful for. I’m grateful to be here and to share my love of stand up paddle boarding and a healthy lifestyle with you.